Hot Oil Systems

Hot Oil Systems are systems that are widely used in industrial facilities and meet high-temperature fluid needs at low pressure. These systems are designed using heat transfer oils and generally operate at temperatures between 250 and 390 degrees. Hot oil systems are preferred in places where high temperatures are required, such as drying, cooking and the chemical industry. These systems operate safely and efficiently by minimizing the need for high pressure.

The main components of hot oil systems are:

  • Hot Oil Boilers: These boilers eliminate the risk of working at high temperatures and provide high efficiency.
  • Expansion Tank: Allows the thermal oil in the system to expand.
  • Filters and Oil Level Indicator: Used for cleaning and monitoring.
  • Piping and Parts: Allows the transportation of hot oil.
  • Reserve Tank: Provides spare storage capacity.

Hot oil systems are preferred due to their high vapour pressure in situations requiring high temperatures. Additionally, the use of these systems reduces labour costs and increases energy efficiency. It should be designed and installed by expert teams. In this way, a safe and effective hot oil system is obtained.

Steam Systems is a heat transfer flow commonly used in industrial facilities and power generation. Steam is an ideal energy source for reaching high temperatures and performing important temperature controls. The use of steam is quite common in industry and industrial facilities. For example, steam is also used to sterilize medical instruments in hospitals.

Steam systems are divided into three categories based on pressure levels and heating and drying needs:

  1. Large-Scale Steam Users:
  • Petrochemicals
  • Purification
  • Forest products
  • Food and beverage
  • Plastics
  • Tire
  • Textile
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Manufacturing assembly
  1. Medium Steam Users:
  • Large commercial heating
  • Breweries
  • Laundries
  • Bakery ovens
  • Metal fabrication
  • Large chiller facilities
  1. Small-Scale Steam Users:
  • Electronics industry
  • Paint booths
  • Humidification Systems

The advantages of using steam are:

  • It provides a constant temperature and has high heat transfer coefficients.
  • Heat losses are low and it is an ideal heat carrier.
  • Heat losses are less than other systems because it is transmitted through small diameter pipes.
  • It has good thermodynamic properties.
  • It is environmentally friendly and safe.
  • It is a sterile fluid.

Steam systems are important to ensure energy efficiency and enable heat recovery. Additionally, steam quality must be taken into account because water droplets can corrode pipe connections and cause problems in the system.