Compressed Air Installations

Compressed Air Installations are systems used in industrial areas and are generally found in factories, workshops, and production facilities. These installations are designed to meet the need for compressed air. Here are the main components of compressed air installations:

  1. Main Pipe Network: It is the cornerstone of the compressed air installation. The main piping network accounts for a large portion of the cost of a compressed air system. It is important to choose the correct pipe diameter. Although choosing a small pipe diameter reduces the investment cost, pressure loss increases, and operating costs increase. The pipe network must be well supported.
  2. Gas Meter: Measures compressed air consumption and monitors the efficiency of the system.
  3. Regulator: It reduces the incoming pressure of the compressed air and brings it to the appropriate level for use.
  4. Valves: Control the flow of compressed air and enable it to be shut down in case of emergency.
  5. Filters and Dryers: Cleans moisture and dirt in compressed air. Filters improve air quality, while dryers help remove moisture.
  6. Air Tanks: Provides compressed air storage capacity and supports the system in case of sudden demands.
  7. Condensate Drains: Allow the discharge of water accumulated in the system.

These components ensure the safe and efficient operation of the compressed air installation. Design and installation must be carried out by expert engineers or authorized plumbers. You must plan these systems correctly to ensure a safe compressed air connection to your home or business.